Haley Wong
Stories by Haley

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8 Steps to Postpone All Types of Event
In the fast-paced world of event planning, unexpected challenges can sometimes lead to the need to postpone an event. This could be due to bad weather...
Organizing virtual events might be easier than you think.
EventX has created a full suite of tools, tips, and resources to help you gather your participants despite the geographical distances. If you hold vir...
5 Tricks to Make a Perfect Online Event Registration Form
With the advancement of technology, registration no more requires any paperwork. Online registration form is the first sight of participants who get i...
Discover the best virtual event ideas here!
During the period of coronavirus pandemic, more and more virtual events are available now. Resourceful event professionals are putting more effort in ...
Our Top Best Business Card Scanner App Picks | EventX
Have you ever encountered any problems like losing one single business card which makes you panic? Or a bulk of cards information ruins your perfect d...
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