Understanding the Meaning of Pi Day in Event Industry

Issac Yip Mar 14, 2023
pi day - event industry


Pi Day is an exciting event that is celebrated worldwide on March 14th every year. The day is significant because of its association with the mathematical constant pi, which represents the ratio of a circle's circumference to its diameter. Pi Day was started in 1988 by Larry Shaw, a physicist at the San Francisco Exploratorium, as a way to make math more accessible and fun for everyone.

When is Pi Day in 2021? All you need to know - India Today

While Pi Day may seem like a day exclusively for mathematicians and educators, it has significant relevance to the event industry. Event planners and marketers can leverage the popularity of Pi Day to create unique and memorable experiences for their audiences.

Types of Event related to Pi Day

1. Theme-based Events

Pi Day provides an excellent opportunity for event planners to create theme-based events. The event planners can create Pi-themed decor, serve Pi-inspired food and drinks, and design activities that incorporate Pi into the event's programming. For example, event planners can use pi symbols, mathematical formulas, and circular-shaped items to create a fun and engaging decor. They can also design a menu inspired by Pi that incorporates circular-shaped food items such as pizzas, pies, and circular sandwiches. Incorporating activities that celebrate Pi into the event's programming can also be great. Some examples could include Pi recitation contests, Pi-themed games, and Pi trivia.

2. Brand Awareness Events

Pi Day can also be leveraged by brands to create awareness and generate buzz. Companies can create special offers or promotions that tie into the Pi Day theme. Social media campaigns can also be designed around the event, allowing brands to engage with their audience and create a buzz around their product or service.

Successful example: Mcdonald's

Pi Day - Event Industry

Selling pies at a discounted price of $3.14 on Pie Day is a marketing strategy used by McDonald's to celebrate the occasion and attract more customers to their stores. Here are some details about the strategy:

  1. Timing:

    Pie Day is celebrated on March 14th (3/14), which is also known as Pi Day. McDonald's can take advantage of this occasion to offer a special promotion, which can create excitement among customers.

  2. Pricing:

    By offering pies at a discounted price of $3.14, McDonald's can attract customers who are looking for a good deal. This pricing strategy can also make McDonald's pies more accessible to a wider range of customers.

  3. Promotion:

    McDonald's can promote the $3.14 pie deal through various channels, such as social media, email marketing, and in-store signage. This can increase awareness of the promotion and encourage more customers to visit McDonald's on Pie Day.

  4. Limited Time Offer:

    McDonald's can offer the $3.14 pie deal for a limited time only, which can create a sense of urgency among customers. This can encourage customers to visit McDonald's on Pie Day and increase sales for the company.

Overall, the strategy of selling pies at a discounted price of $3.14 on Pie Day is a creative way for McDonald's to celebrate the occasion and attract more customers to their stores.

3. Educational Events

Pi Day is also a great opportunity for educators to engage students in math and science. Schools and universities can organize Pi Day events, including activities like Pi recitation contests, math puzzles, and experiments related to circles and spheres. By organizing such events, educators can create a fun and engaging environment to help students better understand complex mathematical concepts.

Pi Day has gained significant popularity in recent years and has become a global celebration. People worldwide celebrate the event by organizing various activities and events. Some of these events include Pi walks/runs, Pi-themed parties, and even baking Pi-themed cakes and pies. The popularity of Pi Day has also led to the creation of a Pi Day challenge, where people attempt to memorize and recite as many digits of pi as possible. The current world record for reciting pi is held by Rajveer Meena from India, who recited 70,000 digits of pi in 2015.

Pi Day is a great opportunity for people to come together and celebrate the wonders of math and science. By celebrating Pi Day, people can appreciate the role of math and science in our daily lives. It is also an excellent opportunity to inspire the younger generation to pursue a career in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) fields.


In conclusion, Pi Day is a significant event that has relevance to the event industry. Event planners and marketers can leverage the popularity of Pi Day to create unique and memorable experiences for their audiences. Brands can also use Pi Day to create awareness and generate buzz around their product or service. Educators can use Pi Day to engage students in math and science and create a fun and engaging environment. The popularity of Pi Day has grown significantly in recent years, and it has become a global celebration. By celebrating Pi Day, people can appreciate the role of math and science in our daily lives and inspire the younger generation to pursue careers in STEM fields.

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