Enhancing Event Industry with Natural Language Processing: A Look into Google BARD and ChatGPT

Issac Yip Mar 22, 2023
Google BARD and ChatGPT

As technology advances, industries are continuously seeking to improve their processes, and the event industry is no exception. One area that has seen significant improvement is natural language processing (NLP), which has been utilized in many ways to enhance the efficiency of event planning and execution. In this article, we will discuss the benefits of NLP in the event industry, specifically focusing on Google BARD and ChatGPT.

Google BARD for Event Industry

Google BARD is a model that can translate web pages into multiple languages. In the event industry, Google BARD can be used to improve the accessibility of event information for attendees who speak different languages. When an event website is only available in one language, it can be difficult for attendees who do not speak that language to navigate the website and find the information they need. By using Google BARD, event organizers can translate their website into multiple languages, making it easier for attendees to access information about the event.

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The use of Google BARD can attract a more diverse audience to the event. The event website can be translated into languages that are commonly spoken in the region where the event is taking place. This can help break down language barriers and make it easier for attendees to get the necessary information. When attendees can access information about an event in their native language, they are more likely to attend the event. This can increase attendance and help event organizers to reach a wider audience.

Google BARD can also be used to improve communication between event organizers and attendees. Event organizers can use Google BARD to translate emails and other communications into different languages. This can help to ensure that attendees understand important information about the event, such as the date, time, and location. It can also help event organizers communicate with attendees with questions or concerns about the event.

Use Case of Google BARD

One use case for Google BARD is to improve the accessibility of event information for non-native speakers of a language. For example, imagine an event website is only available in English, but the event is taking place in a country where the majority of the population speaks a different language. By using Google BARD, the website can be automatically translated into the local language, making it easier for local residents to access information about the event. This can help to attract a more diverse audience and increase attendance at the event. Additionally, Google BARD can be used to translate event materials such as brochures, posters, and flyers into multiple languages, making them more accessible to a wider range of attendees.

Rumors about BARD using ChatGPT data to train itself 

An AI engineer at Google has reportedly resigned after raising concerns about the company's use of OpenAI's ChatGPT to train its own AI search chatbot, Bard. Jacob Devlin warned CEO Sundar Pichai that using data harvested from the ShareGPT website would violate OpenAI's terms of service and make Bard behave too similarly to ChatGPT. After escalating his concerns to Pichai, Devlin resigned from Google and joined OpenAI.

The competition to develop the most attention-grabbing generative AI products between tech giants such as Google and Microsoft investee OpenAI is fierce. While it may be difficult to avoid using data generated by other models in the future, using it on purpose is considered unethical. Google denies that it trained Bard on data produced by ChatGPT but has not confirmed or denied using ChatGPT-generated text to train Bard at all.

Source: https://www.theregister.com/2023/04/03/ai_in_brief/

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ChatGPT for Event Industry

ChatGPT is a large language model developed by OpenAI that can be used for a variety of language tasks, including natural language understanding, text generation, and question-answering. ChatGPT can be used in the event industry to create more personalized and interactive experiences for event attendees.

Chatbots powered by ChatGPT can also be used to help attendees navigate the event. For example, the chatbot can provide directions to different areas of the event, such as the registration desk or the main stage. This can help attendees to find their way around the event and reduce confusion.

Another way that ChatGPT can be used in the event industry is through text generation. Event organizers can use ChatGPT to generate personalized messages for attendees, such as welcome messages or reminders about upcoming events. This can help to create a more engaging and memorable experience for attendees.

Use Case of ChatGPT

One use case of ChatGPT in the event industry is to provide real-time customer support and assistance during the event. ChatGPT can be integrated into event mobile apps or websites to provide attendees with instant access to information, assistance, and recommendations.

For example, attendees may have questions about the event schedule, speaker lineup, or venue location. With ChatGPT, they can simply type their questions into the app or website, and the chatbot can respond with accurate and helpful information.

ChatGPT can also assist attendees in finding nearby restaurants, parking areas, or other amenities based on their preferences and needs. This can improve the overall attendee experience and reduce the workload on event staff, who may otherwise have to handle these inquiries in person.

In addition, ChatGPT can be used to gather feedback from attendees during or after the event. This feedback can be used to identify areas for improvement and enhance the attendee experience for future events.

The Future of NLP in the Event Industry

As natural language processing continues to evolve, it has significant potential for the event industry. With NLP, event planners can enhance the overall event experience, improve communication, and automate routine tasks. The combination of Google BARD and ChatGPT demonstrates how NLP can be applied to event planning and execution.

However, while natural language processing (NLP) provides significant benefits for the event industry, it also comes with its own set of challenges. Some of the key challenges that event planners may face when using NLP include:

  1. Data accuracy and reliability:

    NLP tools rely heavily on data, and inaccurate or unreliable data can lead to incorrect analyses and recommendations. Event planners must ensure that the data they use is accurate and reliable to ensure the effectiveness of NLP tools.

  2. Privacy concerns:

    NLP tools often require access to large amounts of data, including personal information such as attendee names and email addresses. Event planners must ensure that their use of NLP complies with privacy laws and regulations to avoid any legal issues.

  3. Language barriers:

    NLP tools may struggle to understand and analyze different languages and dialects, which can significantly challenge events with diverse attendees. Event planners must ensure that their NLP tools can accurately analyze the language used by their attendees.

  4. Technical limitations:

    NLP tools may have technical limitations, such as limited processing power or storage capacity, which can impact their effectiveness. Event planners must choose NLP tools that are appropriate for their needs and ensure that they have the necessary technical resources to support their use.

  5. Integration with existing systems:

    NLP tools may need to integrate with existing event management systems, such as customer relationship management (CRM) software to be effective. Event planners must ensure that their NLP tools integrate seamlessly with their existing systems to avoid technical issues.


In conclusion, both Google BARD and ChatGPT can be useful tools for event organizers to improve the accessibility and engagement of their events. Google BARD can be used to translate event information into multiple languages, making it easier for attendees who speak different languages to access information about the event. This can attract a more diverse audience and increase attendance. ChatGPT can be used to create more personalized and interactive experiences for attendees, such as chatbots that can answer questions about the event and provide recommendations based on attendees' preferences. Overall, event organizers should consider using both Google BARD and ChatGPT to improve the accessibility and engagement of their events.

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