12 Online Event Ideas You Can Choose From!

EventX Aug 19, 2022

Among the many developments this pandemic, hosting online events is a practice that organizations around the world have adopted. In order to accommodate the remote and hybrid working set-ups of companies around the globe, virtual event activities have been incorporated into workplace programs for both HR and marketing uses. In this article, we talk about some of our favorite virtual meeting ideas that our clients conduct through our virtual seminar platform, as well as the potential that these events can bring to your company.

Internal Company and Organizational Events

These online event ideas are great virtual event activities in order to build rapport and get your team to warm up to working with each other in a more comfortable environment.

Hold Live Games and Tournaments

Break the ice with both new and old colleagues by using EventX hosting for an online gaming session. Create your own version of your favorite gaming show and use our virtual event conference platform as your online venue to host the event. Feeling adventurous? Use online games like Jackbox to avoid home court advantage and simply take the time to have fun. Get to know your colleagues and build teamwork among different divisions and utilize breakout rooms for maximum interaction!

Host an Esports Competition

Looking to encourage virtual event community engagement from a young crowd? Host an Esports competition on-site at the office and livestream the online event on your social media platforms for wider engagement. Not only does this encourage a fun company culture and a healthy dose of friendly competition for younger members in your organization—it also attracts younger job applicants that may have been considering your company as their next office. Choose a game that is both fun to play and exciting to spectate.

Virtual Team Dinner

Quarantine restrictions differ across different countries and city areas. Regardless of quarantine rules wherever your teammates may be, a fun virtual meeting idea would be to get together for a team dinner. Go simple with a show and tell of your own homecooked meals or take the fancy route by ordering set meals that will have everyone dining over the same food as you chat about work and life outside it!

online concert

Online Concert

Bring in the excitement and entertainment with a musical online event. Feature your favorite local act and stream it on the virtual stage or go for a more formal arrangement with a classic concerto. By inviting musical guests to your internal virtual meetings or to your external online events, you can pique interest and keep people excited about your activation even if they are not necessarily familiar with your company yet.

Virtual Reality Tour

One such workplace activity that most employees miss is teambuilding activities or company outings. Host a next gen VR meeting wherein you can tour employees across museum galleries, travel destinations, and more. This virtual event idea is a great alternative to company outings if domestic and international travel is still difficult for your team members for now. If your teams enjoyed this experience, then this virtual reality tour can give your company some prospects for travel destinations once travel norms go back to regular programming.

Bring Your Pet to Work Day

Working from home has given us plenty of time to get acquainted with our favorite new officemates--- our pets. Use our virtual event conference platform to host an online conference where you can introduce your furry desk buddies to your actual colleagues. Fellow pet lovers can bond over their adorable cats, dogs, and more while also getting to know each other. This is a light-hearted online event that can help make your teams more comfortable with each other, especially if they happen to be new to the company.

woman attending an online mental health seminar

Online Mental Health Wellness Seminar

Mental health is an important part of our overall wellness. Engaging in virtual event activities that help to nurture employee mental health is a good HR initiative, as it shows concern for your team and may shed light on some valuable feedback for matters like work-life balance, overall wellness and workload, and other relevant factors to an employee’s mental wellness.


External Company and Organizational Online Event Ideas

These online event activities are better suited to external marketing and PR efforts. Assess the nature of your company and the products or services that you want to push. By conducting online events, you can raise awareness about your company and attract potential investors and job applicants in the future.

social media influencer showcasing a product

Exclusive Product Launches

Do you have a product that you want to launch online? Get the buzz going on social media by inviting social media influencers and industry mainstays to your virtual product launch event. Show off your newest products by category with our integrated exhibit and booth system and get your guests to use a hashtag. This is a great way to check if you are trending and an easy way to check your engagement online.

Online Fundraising Events

Host fundraising streams online for external investors or donors. Whether it’s for a charitable cause or a Kickstarter within the office, these fundraising events are great for networking and establishing rapport while raising money for a good cause. Talk amongst your team about your fund goal and arrange for special refreshments and food if you want to bring a touch of hybrid efforts to your guests!

Online Movie Premiere

Looking to raise awareness about a program or event? Sponsor a movie screening online event and stream a blockbuster in high definition. This is a great PR effort that can attract more attention to your company and increase your company’s credibility and visibility in the industry and the job market.

woman having an online giveaway

Host an Online Giveaway

One of the best ways to showcase your newly released product is to host an online event giveaway. Whether it’s done via a bingo or raffle, giving others a chance to get the product fresh out of the box can create a thrilling experience for your guests while also creating a buzz online. You can even utilize the hashtags to generate online activity while also using the tweets as your source of names when drawing lots.

Speed Networking Opportunities

Creating a session for networking might be a good move if you are looking to hire fresh talent or simply want to expand your horizons in terms of business partners and clients. By conducting an online event like this, you can pave the way to potential business opportunities while also getting to know more about your interested applicants. A fun way of doing this is preparing fun prompts and questions, making it easier to get to know each other even with the short period of time.

Assess Your Company’s Goals, Needs, and Branding

There is no one single way to conduct virtual event activities, so it really is best to assess this according to your company’s motivations and priorities. These virtual meeting ideas are only a few of the possible engagements that you can consider holding for your company activities.

Whether you wish to use our virtual event hosting software strictly for your company’s internal use only, or you also wish to explore using it for external marketing use, the potential of online events is endless. If you are interested in acquiring an online event software, feel free to reach out to us so you can explore our arsenal of digital solutions!


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